Friday, May 14, 2010

Revelan Hallazgos del 2010 Puerto Rico Internet Market Study

13 de mayo de 2010 – San Juan, Puerto Rico - La Asociación de Ejecutivos de Ventas y Mercadeo de Puerto Rico (SME) y su Comité Digital presentaron hoy los hallazgos del 2010 PUERTO RICO INTERNET MARKET STUDY durante el SME Puerto Rico Internet Forum.

La cuarta edición del estudio Puerto Rico Internet Market Study, realizado por la firma Estudios Técnicos y presentado por Dr. Luis Rodríguez Báez, reveló que:

· Entre 2008 (edición anterior del estudio) y el 2010 la incidencia del uso de Internet en Puerto Rico creció de 38% a 45%, lo que equivale a 1,510,738 de usuarios 12+ conectados.

· Más mujeres se conectan – 45.1% en comparación con 40.3% hombres

· Sobrepasa la barrera del nivel de ingresos y crece en todos los niveles educativos

· La banda ancha sigue creciendo en los hogares – 1.2 millones de personas navegando a alta velocidad

· Se reafirma el Internet como medio masivo y continúa la diversificación de actividades en el medio

o E-mail – 86%

o Redes sociales (ver fotos) – 61%

o Chatear - 60%

o Ver mensajes – 54%

o Download música – 51% (entre otras)

· Las redes sociales reinas de la Internet – 1.3 millones de usuarios en las redes sociales

o Facebook el rey de las redes sociales – 1.2 millones

Además de la presentación del estudio, Ricardo Alcocer, autor del libro Economía y productividad con Software Libre, presentó la charla Open Source: Cambiando paradigmas en el mercadeo tradicional. Algunos de los puntos que éste resaltó fue el cambio cultural del consumidor de hoy día. Según Alcocer, contrario al dicho que antes prevalecía de que “el cliente siempre tiene la razón”, hoy se dice “el consumidor sabe más”, aludiendo a la información que éste obtiene a través de la diversidad de medios que existen. Indicó que el consumidor de hoy conversa con las marcas, aprecia lo auténtico y genuino de los mensajes, tiene el control de las marcas.

Por otra parte, se otorgaron los WebAd Awards 2010. Resultaron ganadores en las siguientes categorías:

1) Mejor integración del Internet en una campaña 360

· MiBanco Móvil - Internet Banking de Banco Popular

2) Mejor integración del Internet en una campaña de promoción

· Bounty Reguerosoneo de Bounty (P&G) (Agencia Leo Burnett)

3) Mejor página de Internet

· Tuité de Tojunto Corp.

4) Mejor publicidad en Internet

· Special K Website de Kellogg's Special K (Agencia Leo Burnett)

Para información adicional sobre el estudio 2010 PUERTO RICO INTERNET MARKET STUDY, favor de comunicarse al SME Puerto Rico al (787) 764-8595.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sé Uno de los Medallistas en Ventas 2010


Inscribe a tu equipo en el programa olímpico de la Semana del Profesional de Ventas que incluye:

1. Por primera en Puerto Rico el taller Respaldando a tus clientes para éxito (Helping your Clients Succeed) de Franklin Covey

o Clasificado como el adiestramiento en ventas #1 a nivel mundial
o Ofrece un nuevo enfoque, destrezas y herramientas centrados completamente en el cliente
o Su formato es completamente interactivo - ejercicios dinámicos y divertidos a través de los cuales los participantes pondrán en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos

Los participantes aprenderán (entre otros) a:
• Crear valor para el cliente
• Identificar situaciones críticas del negocio del cliente
• Crear confianza
• Cualificar los recursos del cliente
• Establecer expectativas reales
• Facilitar decisiones
• Manejar objeciones
• Hacer preguntas efectivas

2. Reconocimiento Profesionales de Ventas Distinguidos – Trato VIP, Jacket Deportivo, Medalla de Reconocimiento y Foto en el suplemento de El Nuevo Día.
3. Cóctel
4. Se requiere ropa cómoda para que participes de los ejercicios prácticos.

VIERNES, 5 DE MARZO DE 2010 – 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.

Paquete completo taller, reconocimiento Profesionales de Ventas Distinguidos y cóctel
Socios SME $350* - No socios $450*

Boletos para taller y cóctel
Socios SME $195* – No socios $250*
*precios no incluyen IVU


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Power Lunch de SME en prensa local

El pasado 27 de enero de 2010, la Asociación de Ejecutivos de Ventas y Mercadeo de Puerto Rico (SME) presentó su primer Power Lunch del 2010 titulado: Perpectivas Económicas 2010. Como oradores fungieron: el Sr. Carlos M. García, presidente del Banco Gubernamental de Fomento, la Sra. Lizzie M. Rosso, presidenta del Banco de Desarrollo Económico de PR y la Sra. Heidie Calero, economista y presidenta de H. Calero Consulting Group.

Lee los artículos publicados hoy en El Nuevo Día, Primera Hora y El Vocero sobre este evento, accediendo:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

SME Estudio Móvil en El Nuevo Día y Primera Hora

Lee los artículos que salieron hoy en El Nuevo Día y Primera Hora, sobre el Estudio Móvil presentado ayer por el SME:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Creatividad y Oportunidad en el Puerto Rico de Hoy

As an introduction to the two speakers from Dr. Mecanico & Los Cidrines, José Villamil of Estudios Técnicos Inc ( 787-751-1675) gave a brief overview of the economy of Puerto Rico and the need to innovate and be creative in order to re-energize economic growth.

This is the presentation he gave that to Luis Rodríguez Báez, VP at Estudios Técnicos Inc.

Click the link to see the presentation. Estudios Técnicos Presentation And please excuse the mis-formatted text on some slides. does not support all font types.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

SME Executive Summary on Simon Bailey on Sales Brilliance

Keeping up with Simon Bailey is no easy thing but you surly walk away with a clear sense that we are all brilliant if we simply decide to be and take the actions to support our inner genius.

Bailey’s overall message is that in today’s turbulent times we must accept change as our friend and seek to be brilliant as a way to harness this change into opportunity. This brilliance is to often suppressed through our conditioning to avoid failure and by poor management that seeks to maintain the status quo rather than face change. People’s brilliance - and therefore productivity - is brought out when we lead people through change and we appreciate them creating an environment that celebrates employees rather than tolerates them. In order to be this leader and agent for brilliance we must decide what we want our future to be and then make the changes in the present that will lead us there.

Some of the major points from Bailey’s discussion of Brilliance:

On Failure:
Failure is not final. Failure is just feedback. We will all fail at some point in our lives but it is how we learn and respond to these failures that determine how relevant they will be to our future.

On Brilliance:
In a Harvard research we find that kids up to 4 operate at genius level. By 30 only 2% of us operate at genius or brilliant level. Why do we not continue to be geniuses as wel learn more in life. It is because we are conditioned to suppress our genius as we are taught to accept rules, paint within the lines and conform to the vision of others which generally create a lower expectation on what is expected of us. It is also due to our conditioning to what to hold onto the status quo rather than pursue change which leads to so many who simply seek to keep our jobs by not rocking the boat. And it is the work environment that most reinforces this genius killing mentality..

On What People Want.

When asked people come up with only 32% of their time being productivity at work and cite not being appreciated and not valued as the key factors keeping them from being productive. This is because people want to be more than paid to work - the want to contribute and be heard and, from my own perspective, want to be creative contributors to the overall challenges of the company. But too many office environments simply tolerate employees rather than celebrate them. People also want feedback from their leaders and leaders must constantly seek input from those that work with them.

On Change:

Change is your friend and we must except that change will happen constantly. Hanging on to the status quo leeds us to be unhappy and retards our progress. Successful people focus on where they are going seeing change as a natural part of that trip where losers focus on what their going through deciding to see only the effect the change has on them and therefore surrendering any power them may have to control this change.

On Leadership:
Offices are filled with bosses who seek compliance, set measurements and seek to maintain what is. These people do not bring out the brilliance in people and create environments where people choose not to be productive. A true leader seeks commitment, sets visions of where the team is going and are looking to create and embrace change and therefore bring people’s brilliance out. To shift from a boss to a leader we must ask ourselves:

Where have I been?
Why am I here?
What can I do?
Where am I going?

On Negativity:

We are surrounded by negative people and - if we are not careful - can be influenced by them thereby diminishing our brilliance. We must decide to put up mental shields those negative things we hear, see and say.

On the connection between Present and Future
Our future is created in the present. This means that what you do now, today, will determine if you get the results in the future you are looking for. This means we need to be able to focus on each moment in our day and make sure they are the decisions that will lead us to our goals. The moment we loose this focus our moments become memories or lost opportunity to effect change. This requires us to apply Vuja De or the ability to see something for the first time and look at what you are doing and make the changes to get the results you want.

On Waking-Up 15 Minutes Earlier:

5 min to meditate - quiet the voices
5 min to Read something that inspires you
5 min to stretch

On Being Paid for Solutions:

In your business you should be paid for the problems you solve and the solutions you find. In the future People will be paid for innovation not perspiration.

For the five pieces of advice by Bailey’s guest Lou please see the post on the SME twitter ConvencionSME.

(Summary by Dana Montenegro of SeriouslyCreative

Panel de Publicidad Digital: Mito o Realidad

Sponsored by Axesa providers of

Guillermo Paz - PopuliCom
Camille Buckhart - Banco Popular
Fernando Orfila - Johnson & Johnson

Despite the title, digital marketing is obviously a reality and one that companies in Puerto Rico need to take seriously and approach with the same sense of professionalism and rigorous process that we apply to the rest of our marketing efforts.

With Guillermo Paz talking about the platforms to be mastered between search marketing, online advertising and social network marketing as well as the importance of doing digital marketing correctly; Camille Buckhart using the example of Banco Popular’s efforts and use of simple and testing of site effectiveness; and Fernando Orfila’s case study at Johnson & Johnson of niche marketing several overarching themes were clear.

1. Digital Marketing must be integrated and strategically aligned with traditional marketing efforts. this doesn’t mean that your TV campaigns must lead what you do online but simple that there must be some form of consistency created and leveraging of cross platform efficiencies while still allowing some digital campaigns to stand alone when the objective (like raising the number of online banking only customers) dictates.

2. Websites and online brand presence is no longer what you hire some talented teenager to do. Instead it is something that must be done professionally and driven by clear objectives, measured using the right metrics and planned out carefully. Paz showed examples where simply details of incorrectly directing people from ads to the wrong link, non-functioning links and poor design often sabotage campaigns and waste resources.

3. The back-end of digital marketing is just as important if not more important that the more tangible and visual design work that goes into creating websites. SEO - Search Engine Optimization - assures that your website has the best chance of being found by the people you seek to attract. In fact, in 2010 it is estimated that some 60% of digital marketing budgets in the U.S. will go to SEO for an overall investment of some $29 billion.

4. Marketers must take advantage of the ease at which you can switch out digital ads or websites to quickly test page efficiency and make changes accordingly. Banco Popular uses this approach to test which designs for online campaigns produces the best results on their objectives and constantly make improvements to better this efficiency.

5.Digital marketing also allows you to customize messages to specific targets and to provide specific and relevant value that builds bonds between brand and consumers much like Johnson & Johnson’s focused on young girls.

6. Just like any other marketing digital marketing requires that you set clear objectives on both what the goals of your campaign are - awareness, lead referral, build buzz, etc. - and how you will measure results. Paz presented a Digital Advertising Checklist which you can obtain by contacting him at
The internet is not a marketing platform to target teenagers only. Today, all ages and most segments of society have some sort of online presence. Today, groups for new mothers help new parents deal with the fears of having a new born and retirees now seek to connect and inform online.

(summary by Dana Montenegro of SeriouslyCreative -